
Build your own business and make money

You can be our sales consultant. We will introduce you to a high-income business without any investment through the Success Plan.

Why Taksoo?



Be Your Own Boss

You determine your own time and place of activity. The flexibility of this job positively impacts the work-life balance. So, create a business that suits your lifestyle without limitations.


Virtual (Online) Office

You can check your performance without the need for physical presence at Taksoo's central office. Log in to your virtual office panel on the Taksoo website at any time of the day to review and analyze your business.


Free Training Courses

Professional and specialized courses provided by Taksoo, offered online and for free, introduce you to the latest sales, marketing, and networking methods.


Quick Product Delivery

All infrastructure is designed to deliver the product to all corners of the country in the shortest possible time, using various shipping methods chosen by you.


Continuous Support

Launching a business requires planning and support. To succeed in your business, you will receive educational, service, and advisory support from Taksoo's support teams.


Easy and Hassle-Free Shopping

With just a few simple clicks, your purchase is registered and delivered at any time of the day. Also, order placement and tracking are possible through the Taksoo app or website.

Our Products

Taksoo produces high-quality products in various categories, following global updated standards. Our product groups include skincare, body care, hair care, tea and herbal infusions, coffee, honey, spices, and perfumes. Taksoo's mission and goal are to provide the highest quality and customer satisfaction. So, take the first step towards a health-oriented life by visiting the Taksoo product basket and exploring the diverse range of products.

Live healthy, earn income, and enjoy.

10000 +

Taksoo has a network of more than ten thousand active sales consultants nationwide, working from home and earning income.


10 +

Taksoo has been active in the field of direct sales and the production of health and hygiene products for over 10 years.


150 +

Taksoo operates with over 150 official staff nationwide, in two levels of headquarters and support, alongside specialists and top scientific talents, contributing to the growth of the industry and commerce.


200 +

Taksoo, utilizing the properties of natural plants and based on consumer needs, has produced and introduced over 200 health-oriented products to the market.

Our Teams

In the journey of creating a business, various teams from Taksoo will be by your side to make this path smoother for you.


Education and Content Production


The Taksoo education and content production team, by providing updated content and educational catalogs, will always respond to your needs throughout the business development process. This team is your companion in building an ideal business.


Support Team


The Taksoo support team is in contact with you at all stages of product selection, purchase, and receipt through the TexTalk messenger, facilitating communication between consultants and customers.


Human Resources

Human Resources

The employees of this unit are responsible for organizing and coordinating all administrative and personnel activities of Taksoo. They aim to attract efficient forces to ensure the continuous growth and increased productivity of the organization.


Financial and Accounting Affairs

Accounting and Finance

The employees of this unit execute all financial activities of the company based on approved laws and regulations. They work towards improving the financial performance of the company by identifying financial resources, analyzing reports, controlling costs, and providing other financial services.




This unit constantly examines market demands and customer needs, taking necessary actions to address deficiencies and issues with the current product. It is responsible for coordinating all stages of product production and supply.


Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Business information is essential for modern sales and marketing. The Digital Marketing team consistently provides you with updated news and information through various social networks and the company's official website.


Research and Development

R & D

The experts in the Research and Development team study and analyze the latest global information and articles, utilizing them to develop and improve the company's products or services. Their main task is the development and achievement of new products.




This unit, a subset of warehousing, packaging, transportation, and necessities, is responsible for planning, executing, and monitoring services and information related to storage, packaging, and distribution of goods.


Quality Control


After conducting necessary tests on raw materials and manufactured products in the laboratory, the Quality Control team applies required actions according to the latest quality control guidelines and international standards.

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Your Consultant : فاطمه بابایی