Taksoo's mission is to produce superior quality products in the field of health and deliver them directly through a direct sales program.
With the aim of providing the highest quality products, the company has established a research and development department and, by using the latest technology and modern knowledge while adhering to national and international standards, has succeeded in producing unique products in the field of health.
Product manufacturing, the economic source and generator of business, will be made possible through the provision of specialized services and education-oriented tools and organizational culture, achieved through day and night efforts.
Now, with the help of God and your satisfaction with the services and products offered, Taksoo is one of the pioneers of direct sales in Iran and is moving towards globalizing this health-oriented approach.
We believe that, in addition to producing and offering superior quality products, we must provide a unique distribution system with a constructive and positive spirit to the community, and we have realized this mission with the help of the large family of Taksoo sales consultants. We believe that the experience of the best and highest quality products is your right...